Progressive Supper Ride 2023

The annual Progressive Supper ride was a complete success filled with great food and a fun ride. Thanks to everyone who showed up, brought a delicious dish to share, and went for a 22k ride around South and Central Regina. Also, thanks to all the host who volunteered their yards for all the cyclist to eat and hang out.

Condie to Lumsden Ride

Saturday was a lovely day for a ride, despite the overcast sky and heat. 10 Freewheelers rode from Condie to Lumsden and back to Condie for a 40km trek. We did stop in Lumsden for a picnic lunch. Thanks to our ride leader, Brenda, for a magnificent ride.

Brora Triangle Ride

Ian Toms was the ride leader for the Bora Triangle ride on Saturday. While rain and thunderstorms threatened to keep us inside all day, we went anyway. What a great ride, and no rain.

Brora Triangle
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